December 24 - January 14, 2022
Sheydaei Gallery
December 24 - January 14, 2022
Address: Unit1, No.149, Bahar-E-Shiraz Sq., Bahar-E-Shiraz St.,Haft-E-Tir Sq., Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 88815539
+98 902 4812938
Fridays and Openings: 4 – 8 p.m.
Sun – Thu : 3 – 7:30 p.m.
The gallery is closed on Saturdays.
“Do you see me? How do you see me?”
Every image when comes into existence, seeks itself in the future. Each image is a response to this need of mankind: “Remember me”
Every image when created, rises against its oblivion. In fact, it is the witness of a premature future and mortality is its base and foundation. The subject inevitably transforms, ages, and dies in the end, but the portrait survives and through showing an absolute past, it heralds death in the near future, the decline and death of someone whose portrait devours time and rises against its oblivion.
