Remaining in the picture
April 19 - May 3, 2024
Sheydaei Gallery
April 19 - May 3, 2024
Address: Unit1, No.149, Bahar-E-Shiraz Sq., Bahar-E-Shiraz St.,Haft-E-Tir Sq., Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 88815539
+98 902 4812938
Fridays and Openings: 4 – 8 p.m.
Sun – Thu : 3 – 7:30 p.m.
The gallery is closed on Saturdays.
In this exhibition, we all have tried to create artworks that reflect artists’ views about human.However,these explorations are the
results of every single person’s experience in order to investigate human’s relation with their environment and also to get involved with their own
inner identity.
In the visual structure, there appears no common atmosphere with the world around but they stand on the same concept generally although there is no similar
visual expression.
In this process, each of us have used our own approach in order to record the moments of others or of ourselves-such as archived photoes, past memories or mental images-
which have come to an end in a point of time
and have made us depict them in order to kepp them alive.
