November 3 - November 17, 2023
Sheydaei Gallery
November 3 - November 17, 2023
Address: Unit1, No.149, Bahar-E-Shiraz Sq., Bahar-E-Shiraz St.,Haft-E-Tir Sq., Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 88815539
+98 902 4812938
Fridays and Openings: 4 – 8 p.m.
Sun – Thu : 3 – 7:30 p.m.
The gallery is closed on Saturdays.
Huge cliffs piled up forming a structure or monuments in ancient era are called Megaliths. Using stones in natural status -whether cut or uncut- to remember the past- put the human as a less stable element against a more stable part of the nature. This this stability leads to a mental structure that engraves a thought – as old as stones- named “Prejudice”.
Prejudice can carry a very convincing, influential and even nice outward but a weapon – while being nice- can express its main function in a suitable status.