Conjugation of the present dwelling
August 26 - September 16, 2022
Sheydaei Gallery
August 26 - September 16, 2022
Address: Unit1, No.149, Bahar-E-Shiraz Sq., Bahar-E-Shiraz St.,Haft-E-Tir Sq., Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 88815539
+98 902 4812938
Fridays and Openings: 4 – 8 p.m.
Sun – Thu : 3 – 7:30 p.m.
The gallery is closed on Saturdays.
What does place mean? We ponder where we are in order to find out the main point of a place, in the meantime we ran into being as dwelling. What matters here is that we face the spirit of a place to. The main point of the place is a Roman term which says: “Each individual being owns their specific spirit.” In fact this is the spirit what bestows life to people and whereabouts and accompanies them from birth to death and defines their specifications. The spirit identifies what things are and what they want to become.
Throughout history, the spirit of places has survived. Artists and authors have been inspired by local features and referring the landscapes, places and city spots managed to describe daily life phenomena.
By Sadaf Kiani-Curator
August 2022